Art Show

Have you been interested in showing/selling your art but an Artist Alley table isn't the right fit for you? Consider entering in our Art Show, part of CONsole Room since 2019!

***The guidelines below are from our 2023 show, for reference. We are currently looking for volunteers interested in running the Art Show for 2024. Please reach out if you are interested or want to know more!***


Artists should make their own arrangements for insurance if desired. Artists and/or their agent agree to “protect, keep, and save CONsole Room forever harmless” from damages or charges imposed for violations of law, ordinance, or terms outlined in these guidelines.


Please direct any questions you have to

  • ALL MEDIUMS: Art can be 2D or 3D, any medium
  • READY FOR DISPLAY: Oil paintings should be fully dry, sculptures should be cured, etc. We will have gridwall and tables available for display, please make sure any 2D works have wires for hanging or that they will not be damaged by bulldog clips.
  • INCLUDE LABELS: Labels identifying the piece by title and artist name should be attached on the back of 2D pieces and wherever feasible on 3D pieces.
  • IN-PERSON DELIVERY: The artist or a designated representative must deliver art to CONsole Room by the listed deadline. They must also be picked up on the Sunday of CONsole Room by 4PM.
  • GPS DONATIONS: You may donate unsold art to Geek Partnership Society if you do not want to pick it up.

CONsole room will not be collecting any hanging fees.

  • ON TOPIC CONTENT: CONsole Room is dedicated to all things Whovian! All works submitted should be appropriate to the theme of the convention and/or connect to our fandom.
  • ALL WORK MUST BE PG: We are a family friendly convention, thank you for helping us keep our show all-ages.
  • NO HATE SPEECH/SYMBOLISM: No hate speech or symbolism/iconography of any hate group (Please check the Southern Poverty Law Center if you are unsure if what you are using is considered hate speech).
  • ORIGINAL ART: Art should be original to the artist, with any fan derivatives properly crediting original owner/creator of that property/character.
We will take a 15% commission on each sale; please remember this when putting prices on your work.
  • ONE COPY ONLY: Prints of artwork are acceptable submissions to the art show, but only a single copy.
  • ALL TYPES: All types of print are acceptable.
  • ACCURATELY LABELED: Make sure they are labeled with title and artist and ready to hang/display.

Sales tax will be paid by CONsole Room using part of the 15% commision.