Get Involved

CONsole Room is run entirely by dedicated volunteers who have worked tirelessly throughout the year and at CONsole Room to bring you an amazing convention every year.

Are you interested in joining our staff or volunteering at CONsole Room?

Find specific volunteering opportunities:
Sign up on SignUp Genius or visit Con Ops

If you are interested in being part of our planning teams or have a question, please email us:
Volunteering -

Convention Committee

Convention Committee members are volunteers who lead planning and execution of convention-related activities throughout the year. As we continue to grow, we have several open positions for passionate Whovians interested in lending a hand. Take a look below at the expectations for Con Com members. Open positions and expected time commitments will be added as available, but please feel free to reach out at any time if you're interested.
Convention Committee Expectations

    Leads are expected to attend monthly Con Com meetings and host departmental meetings as needed.

    Staff fill support roles within each department. They can also attend the monthly Con Com meetings, if desired.

Convention Committee Perks

We greatly value our volunteers both at the convention and throughout the year. Perks are one way we show our gratitude for our volunteers' time and energy.
Current Convention Committee perks are below:

  • All at-con volunteer perks
  • Listed in the program book
  • Access to lowest price ticket
  • Opportunity to join the VIP Mixer on Thursday (extra paid ticket)
Convention Committee Open Roles

Detailed descriptions about open Convention Committee roles is coming soon, but if you're interested in learning more please do reach out!.

Some of the open Convention Committee roles are below:

  • Escape Room Leads
  • Art Show Leads
  • Eventbrite/Registration Staff
  • #WhoItYourself LIVE Stream Team Staff

At-Con Volunteers

At-Con volunteers dedicate some of their time at the convention itself to help activities throughout the weekend operate smoothly.

At-Con Volunteer Expectations

We have a variety of volunteer needs throughout the year and during the convention itself, both in person and virtually. Specific expectations vary depending on the role, but roles include:

  • Set-up/Tear-down pre- and post-con
  • Panelist or Panel Moderator
  • Department Assistance

A Sign-Up Genius form will be available when we get closer to the convention to sign-up for specific hours, but if you know you're interested now, please email our volunteer team.

At-Con Volunteer Perks

We greatly value our volunteers both at the convention and throughout the year. Perks are one way we show our gratitude for our volunteers' time and energy.

At-Con volunteer perks include:

  • 2 Hours: Volunteer Certificate
  • 4 Hours: Invitation to volunteer-only party Sunday night
  • 7 Hours: $5 off CONsole Room pre-registration for next year
  • 11 Hours: Exclusive Volunteer SWAG Bag
  • 16 Hours: Exclusive Volunteer SWAG Bag (plus)
At-Con Volunteer Opportunities

Some of our specific at-con volunteer needs are below:

In Person: Sign up on SignUp Genius or visit Con Ops

  • Load-in on Thursday
  • Registration
  • ConSuite
  • Escape Room Staff
  • In-Person Streaming Monitor
  • Take-down on Sunday

Virtually: (email

  • Discord Moderator
  • Discord Engagement
  • Discord Prep