Escape Room - Harmony
We all know the TARDIS is bigger on the inside. But it is not the only thing in this universe bigger on the inside and capable of transporting anyone to anywhere and any time.
Move on to the "Quotes" Puzzle
Solve the LIBRARY puzzle below to find a password which will give you access to the next puzzle.
Remember, we’re all just stories in the end. The Doctor has had some good ones. Use them to drop the keys that will reveal what’s important
When you walk into the Library, the shelves have pictures of different regenerations of the Doctor. On the shelf with each Doctor’s picture, there are books with titles that seem familiar - all but 3 shelves that have an empty space next to the picture.
There’s also a tray with 3 sets of books bound together and a sign “Ready for Reshelving”
You also see the following quote on the table near the tray:
Below are all the pictures with the book titles listed below each picture.
Who’s Giggling Now?
Two Foundlings: Ruby and the Doctor
Doctor on the Lam: Hiding in Plain Sight
(Large Empty Space)
Rockin’ Out with the Doctor
Boundaries: A Companion’s Guide to Balancing Professional, Personal, and Running
My “Life” After the Metal Suit by Bill Potts
Of Sunflowers and Starry Nights
Bow Ties are Cool
Remembering Wilf
(Large Empty Space)
Rosa rosa var. Blaidd ddrwg
No More: The Darkest Hours of the Time War
TV Movies Aren’t Always the End
(Large Empty Space)
The Doctor and the Amazing Technicolor Jacket
The Rani, The Doctor, The Master, Oh My!
Celery - Not Just a Decorative Vegetable
The Rani, The Doctor, The Master, Oh My! Cricket for All
Just Keep Knitting Until You Run Out of Yarn
K9: A Time Lords Best Friend
2 Time Lords Travel Together
by Romanadvoratrelundar
The Big Book of Jelly Babies
Off the Record: U.N.I.T.’s Scientific Advisor
by Sarah Jane Smith
Cosmic Hobo
A Highland Adventure
The Journey Begins