Help us get the word out!

Are you going to Dragon*Con or WorldCon, or some other fannish event? Are your co-workers fans of Doctor Who? Spread the word by printing out our flier and attaching it to the bulletin board at work or at your favourite coffee shop. Print a dozen or so and bring them to a gaming party or science fiction convention! For every flier you put up someplace or take to a convention with you, we’ll add five minutes to any volunteer hours you accrue at CONsole Room. Put up 20 fliers around town, pass out 20 fliers at work, or bring 20 fliers to an event, that’s an hour of volunteer time! E-mail us the details of what you’ve done, and include a picture of yourself with the fliers, along with your registration info and we’ll track your volunteer time! Here’s a flier to get your started, and we’ll have more posted soon!


Early Bird Rate Still Available!

Have you taken advantage of our Early Bird rate of $40 yet? If not, be sure to register soon as it won’t be available for much longer! Just two $20 bills (or four $10 bills – we’re flexible!) gets you a membership to the first dedicated Doctor Who convention in the Twin Cities in more than 20 years. Book now and we’ll see you for a fun-filled weekend next May!