2025 Guest: Gaelynn Lea

Welcome our Featured Guest: Gaelynn Lea

CONsole Room is excited to have Gaelynn Lea as a Featured Guest this year. Gaelynn is a violinist, composer, author, and disability rights activist. 

Read the full Bio on our Guests webpage: https://console-room.com/guests/
Register to attend CONsole Room: Rockin’ Through the WHOniverse (January 31-February 2, 2025) by visiting www.console-room.com/registration/

Join our Panel and Event Brainstorming Session

It is time to start planning our panels and events for the 2025 CONsole Room convention.
Join our brainstorm session on Saturday, September 14 from 1-3pm CDT to share your panel ideas for CONsole Room 2025.
What ideas do you have for panels and events that you’d like to see happen at this year’s convention? Got suggestions for panels featuring our guests? Other ideas that cover all aspects and areas of Doctor Who and related topic areas: music, tv shows, books, British TV, movies, audios, comics, podcasts, etc. Come and let’s talk about it!

The session will be hosted VIRTUALLY via Zoom.
To join the Zoom meeting, please click the link below to provide basic contact information, and the meeting link will be emailed to you.
Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rde-opzkjH91a2hn8gyoz0Hi7syNoxIzr

Not able to attend the live session? You can still share your ideas with our programming team by emailing programming@console-room.org.