Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey: Regenerating for 2019

We are full speed ahead planning for CONsole Room 2018, but we’re taking a brief moment to jump ahead to next year.


Because CONsole Room 2019 is traveling in time!

That’s right, our sixth annual Doctor Who convention is moving to a different date. CONsole Room 2019 will be held January 4-6. Same great convention, same great location, just a different time.

Why the date change? Lots of reasons, but the long and short of it is that we want to be able to give you the best convention we can possibly give during a time that works for the largest number of people.

What about CONsole Room 2018? This will have zero effect on CONsole Room 2018, which is still being held May 11-13 this year. We just understand that plans are made around our convention and wanted to give you a heads up of the change as early as possible.

And you can register now! To celebrate our date change, from now through April 15, 2018 you will be able to purchase an add-on regular weekend membership for our 2019 convention for just $25!

  • If you have NOT purchased a membership for CONsole Room 2018:
    • Go to our regular CONsole Room 2018 registration link.
    • As you fill out your membership information you will see a drop-down box that says “Would you like to add on a weekend membership for CONsole Room 2019 for $25.00?”
    • Select the option that says “Yes – $25.00” to add on your 2019 membership.
  • If you HAVE purchased a membership for CONsole Room 2018:
    • You can still add on a $25 membership for 2019! Go to our Square store.
    • Select the “CONsole Room 2019 Weekend Membership Add-On” and follow the instructions to check out.
    • Please note: This option is ONLY available for people who have already registered for CONsole Room 2018. If you are not currently registered for CONsole Room 2018 this purchase will be considered a 2019 supporting membership.

Registrations for our 2019 convention are currently ONLY available as an add-on to CONsole Room 2018. The $25 price is only available for regular adult, youth, and child weekend memberships, it does not apply to VIP or dealer memberships.

We are so excited to be continuing our celebration of Doctor Who with you in 2019 and beyond! Allons-y!

Questions? Please contact registration@console-room.org.

Christopher Jones Returns with New Comic News

We are pleased to announce that Christopher Jones, professional illustrator and comic book artist, is returning to CONsole Room again this year… and he’s bringing comic news with him! Christopher, who has worked with the likes of DC, Marvel, and Image, recently finished a series of Third Doctor comics for Titan Comics and will now be taking on a mini-series featuring the Seventh Doctor and Ace. We’re so excited to have him join us again!

Read more about Christopher and his projects at his website. You can learn more about all of our guests at our Guests page.

The Paternoster Gang is Here!

The trio is back together! We’ve officially added CATRIN STEWART, who played Jenny on Doctor Who, as a Guest of Honour at CONsole Room 2018. We’ll be adding Catrin’s bio to our website soon so you can learn more about our newest guest.

With NEVE MCINTOSH and DAN STARKEY, this makes CONsole Room the first convention this side of the pond (as far as we can tell) that has had the entire Paternoster Gang. Don’t miss this chance to see the entire gang together!