Christopher Jones Returns in 2019

We are pleased to announce that Christopher Jones, professional illustrator and comic book artist, is returning to CONsole Room again this year! Chris, who has worked with the likes of DC, Marvel, and Image, and Titan Comics, has worked on Doctor Who comics featuring the Third and Seventh Doctors. We’re so excited to have him join us as a Featured Guest again!

Read more about Christopher and his projects at his website. You can learn more about all of our guests at our GUESTS PAGE.

Move with T’ai Chi in January

We are excited to announce that Twin Cities T’ai Chi Chu’an Studio will be joining us in 2019

Twin Cities T’ai Chi Chu’an Studio is dedicated to teaching and promoting Yang-style T’ai-Chi Ch’uan. They believe that T’ai-Chi is universally accessible and that everyone can benefit from its study, so they offer a wide variety of courses and times.

Don’t miss this chance to give T’ai Chi a try at CONsole Room 2019! Learn more about the studio at THEIR WEBSITE, or learn more about our 2019 Guests at our GUEST PAGE.