Pre-Registration Ends TODAY

Today, 30 April, is the last day to pre-register for CONsole Room 2014! Although we were able to extend our original deadline by two weeks, we won’t be able to do so again. Pre-registration will be open through tonight, but after that, you will only be able to register at the door. We will announce that pricing later this week.

Head over to our Registration page to complete your registration today. And while you’re at it, head over to our Hotel page to book a room for the weekend! Even if you’re local, getting a room is a great idea because it ensures you’re able to participate in both the day and evening activities. The convention rate of $94/night is still available, but we can’t guarantee how long rooms will be available at that rate. Book now to ensure you get the lower rate!

Not long to go now!

CONsole Room 2014 Schedule Available

The preliminary schedule for CONsole Room 2014 is now available! Head over to our Programming page to look at what we have planned for each day of the weekend. Please keep in mind that these schedules can (and likely will) change before the convention, so be sure to reference the printed program book and any signs throughout the convention weekend to get the latest information.

If you see a panel that you’d like to be on, but you haven’t volunteered as a panelist yet, there’s still time to do so! E-mail us at with the names of the panel(s) you’d like to be on and we’ll do our best to make it happen.

Just over two weeks to go, so we’ll see you soon!


As you may have guessed from the title, we’ll have DALEKS in the house at CONsole Room 2014! Local fans Ann Neubauer and Dave Brown will be bringing one, maybe two, daleks with them and will make them available for photos throughout the weekend. If you’re interested in building one yourself, be sure to join both Ann and Dave at their How We Built Our Daleks panel during the convention (Friday, 16 May at 3p).

Check out their handiwork below!

Dalek2      Dalek1